It is no secret that I have a sweet tooth. Big time, but I try to keep my snacks on the healthier side. H did soooo many chores the other day. She was basically Cinderella for 45 minutes. Then I asked her to pick up the sticks in the front yard! How dare I! (It is not a large front yard by any means!) To reward her while she was laboring in the hot sun (a whopping 55 degrees out), I whipped up a Toasted S'mores Milkshake.
Toasty S'mores Milkshake
3 Scoops of Triopolitan Smores Ice Cream
Hersheys syrup
Planet Oat Unsweetened Vanilla Oat Milk
Broiled Marshmallows

Pulse Ice and Oatmilk in a blender
Add ice cream
Give the glass a good swirl of chocolate syrup
Broil marshmallows on high **Watching closely!! ((This goes from undone to burnt super quick!))
Garnish and Enjoy!

Remind your child that they do not have to finish in one gulp. This leads to an epic brain freeze and belly ache!
While Hadley was inhaling her milkshake, I tried to replicate a nondairy version.
Toasted S'mores Fake Shake
2 steeped dates – I boil water in my tea kettle and pour over chopped dates – this is to help my blender process them
1 frozen banana in chunks
¼ C frozen Cauliflower
1 Tbl Almond butter (or any nut butter)
Unsweeted Vanilla Oat Milk
Broiled Marshmallows

Add everything to the blender except the marshmallows & blend
Swirl glass with Chocolate syrup
Add one marshmallow to the bottom of the glass to infuse that toasty flavor
Fill with blended smoothie, top with more toasted marshmallows & non dairy whip cream if you have it!!
Also We got a new rug this weekend, I am so in love. Puppp approved!!
