Essential oils have had such a positive impact in my life in so many ways. I have only been with doTERRA for three years, but it feels like oils have been a part of my life for so much longer.
It is easy to be intimidated by the thought of transforming your lifestyle to a healthier one. I started by focusing on one thing that I wanted to work on - reducing the amount of chemicals that I brought into my home.
Store bought, big name brand cleaners give my skin a negative reaction, instead of just dealing with it, I wanted a change. DoTERRA has a line called OnGuard – everything under this tab is fantastic. I started with the cleaning concentrate. A 12 oz bottle of kick ass cleaner. A cap full in a squirt bottle for all purpose uses, A few drops in the sink to clean produce.

So, let’s start with that squirt bottle with just a tablespoon of the concentrate, it is great for all things from counters to chairs, doorknobs, railings, spills, literally everything! After my morning wipe down, I fill the diffusers, plus side of being home – I have made this a morning routine (Tip: keep a bottle of fresh water near the diffuser so when it runs out, you have everything you need to refill). Multiple diffusers throughout the house, I will fill a pitcher of filtered water and go around filling all of them. – Remember to clean your diffuser – some say weekly but let’s be honest, if you get it done once a month – you’re golden. Fill with a few tablespoons of vinegar, filtered water and let run for fifteen minutes. Empty out and wipe down with a paper towel. I will use Q-tips to get all those tough little spots.
After breakfast, (or my coffee smoothie) I take my lineup of doTERRA vitamins. Literally the best, whole, natural ingredients. The Lifelong Vitality pack along with, a probiotic (PB assist +), the women’s bone nutrient and phytoestrogen are perfect for me daily. If I am feeling under the weather (usually two days of a powerful blend usually kicks whatever tickle I started to feel) I will fill a veggie cap with my own blend of (or some combo of) DDR Prime, Digestzen, Zendocrine, Frankincense, OnGuard, Slim & Sassy, Turmeric, pink peppercorn, Clove and/or Copaiba. Filled the rest of the way with fractionated coconut oil and take immediately. (Oils start to eat away at the veggie cap- so you cannot pre fill --- unless you freeze them, but I have not even tried that yet)

Cleaning, walking the dog, and being a mom has me all ache-y so of course my next go-to is the Deep Blue Rub – this stuff is life changing. Great for period cramps, body aches, sore muscles, tired feet, and even on the back of the neck for a migraine (with a copaiba gel cap).
Speaking of “That time of the month” my skin looks like I am in high school again. I grab my HD clear collection. Face wash, roller ball and face cream make this trifecta a win. Highly recommend this trio.
Before I take my wolf dog for a walk I usually rub a little breathe stick on my chest, and apply Balance deodorant. DoTERRA really stepped up their game when they came out with this. I have tried so many chemical free deodorants and they either strait up do not work, have no smell, sting a little or even are so hard I had to use a blow dryer before I applied.
I keep oils all over the house. Different oils for different uses, kitchen oils, bathroom oils, office oils, bedroom oils. H knows exactly what oil she needs for how she is feeling- distance learning or music lessons, she grabs Thinker. Ate too much ice cream? She will reach for Tamer. Bug bites? Steady, this is not only an amazing emotional blend but great for skin irritations and insect bites. Sneezy, reach for stronger. And at bedtime she has her diffuser filled with Serenity and Breathe; Calmer roller ball and a little (EO) inhaler with Breathe and eucalyptus right next to her bed.
Speaking of bedtime, I keep a repurposed bottle of Serenity with a spray cap next to my bed. I spray my pillows and wrists to help fall asleep, and the hubs takes the Serenity gel caps. So many ways to use oils, and I love watching my family reach for, and grab what they need for how they are feeling.

I hate to be sales-y with oils, but they have impacted my life in such a positive way, that I just love to share my love of oils with everyone. Most of my friends have a roller-ball or sample of some type. My favorite is when I get a text from a non-believer asking what remedy will help them. When I signed up as a wellness advocate- it was not to sell- it was to get a (25%) discount on every single item! Ask my hubs, I LOVE a deal 😊
If you want to dip your toe into a more natural lifestyle- send me an email, let me know one part of your home life you want to start with. Remember, you do not need to change everything overnight. Pick one part of your home you want to start – make a little more natural with a few less chemicals.
Or click the link to explore on your own: my.doterra.com/krunchykate