"I definitely didn't nail this recipe"

I have had a serious addiction to these Specially Selected quinoa chocolate coconut balls of deliciousness from Aldi. Seeing as how they are an Aldi’s specialty item; which means I’m one lucky duck that I have already found them on three separate visits, I will probably never see them again. On every purchase I almost ate the entire bag, by myself, three separate times. Yess, they are that amazing.

I tried to remake these, and they are good but they are not great. I need to get better at “puffing” quinoa. ((I used Anthony’s Goods pre-rinsed Quinoa & coconut flour in these))
Any and all tips would be welcomed! I didn’t add any oil to the pot, just sort of toasted the quinoa until it started to make little crackle noises. I did this in batches, starting with a little at a time- to not overcrowd the pan. This whole process was an experiment so I really didn’t measure anything.

Once the quinoa was nice and toasty, I let it cool- and made another batch, about four times. Once ((not puffed)) Quinoa was cool, added the Quinoa and an equal amount of Coconut -sweetened ((because that’s what Aldi’s had)) to a bowl
Add 1.5 Tbl of Coconut flour
In a glass bowl added about a cup of dark chocolate chips and a tablespoon of coconut oil
Melt in 20 second increments
Add a tablespoon or two of melted chocolate to the quinoa bowl
Mix and roll into little balls
Dip in the chocolate
Refrigerate and enjoy!
Please! Let me know an easy way to puff quinoa so I can make these taste even better !!
((We didn’t let any of that chocolate go to waste! Dipped dried blueberries and pretzel twists to use up every last drop))

I just wanted to give a little update -- I have been a little quite with Krunchy Kate; because I am also working on a project with another company, to add all the local kid friendly businesses to a free directory. If you are local, check it out and sign up here!
If not, see if you have HulaFrog in your area. ((If there isn't already a site, sign up to be the Managing Director in your area! Great side gig if you are stuck at home with littles for virtual learning! Tell them Katie from Warwick sent you! ))